User Interface

Plugins about layout, design and visualization.


A lightweight, vanilla JS plugin for responsive navigation. No fancy styling or animations by default.

Vanilla JS Responsive Menu

A simple and lightweight responsive menu plugin. Some options and no fancy styling or animations, but it works.

Pixabay Images Gallery

A widget for inserting Pixabay image galleries with ease into any page.


A simple solution for an accordion menu using vanilla javascript and some CSS3 properties. The CodePen demo doesn't work in IE < 11 - yet, the plugin does.


A very simple accordion menu. By default, the plugin has no options, not even an element selector. Yet, it may be useful when creating an own accordion menu.


A lightweight date picker plugin with flexible CSS style options.


Stand-alone parallax scrolling library for mobile and desktop; about 12 k minified.


A fast and good looking scrollbar with touch support. Medium sized code base and major browsers support.

Tiny Scrollbar

A lightweight crossbrowser scrollbar plugin. Available as Vanilla JS and jQuery version.


Fully customizable and elegant scrollbars plugin with a rather large code base. Available as Vanilla JS and jQuery version.


Beautiful and very powerful image gallery plugin. A bit on the larger side concerning code base.


A slider-type, touch enabled, responsive, and feature rich image gallery plugin. Unfortunately, a very large code base. Free for non-commercial use.


A simple, responsive, touch-enabled image slider plugin. No active development, but working nonetheless.

Ideal Image Slider

An image slider plugin which has just the right amount of features, with no bloat and be easy to extend so that more features can be added when needed.


A powerful code syntax highlighter with very beautiful styles and manifold options. However, rather large in size. Used by Apache, Mozilla, Yahoo and others.


Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, working in all modern browsers (IE 9+). It’s a spin-off from Dabblet and is used in production there.


Syntax highlighting auto-detecting 118 languages, multi-language code highlighting. A bit on the large side for a code highlighter.


A lightweight vanilla JavaScript plugin for creating fluid galleries as seen on Flickr and Google Images.

Code Prettify

Reliable syntax highlighter by Google - used on Stack Overflow.

Modal Plugin

A flexible and lightweight modal box based on CSS, thus responsive and animated. In fast more a tutorial than an official plugin, yet quite handy.


Display form labels in an unobtrusive and elegant way.

Vanilla Modal

A flexible, CSS-powered modal window for images, videos and HTML. Lots of options and actively developed.


A charting library offering an easy way of adding interactive and sophisticated charts to your application. Line charts, pies, scatters and lots more.


Simple, clean and engaging charts for designers and developers. Multiple chart types, flexible customization, beautifully animated.

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