Get siblings of an element

Get the next, previous or all siblings of an element or retrieve siblings that match a given selector.

A helper function for fetching all siblings for a given DOM element -  or a filtered set of them:

function getSiblings(el, filter) {
var siblings = [];
el = el.parentNode.firstChild;
do { if (!filter || filter(el)) siblings.push(el); } while (el = el.nextSibling);
return siblings;

// example filter function
function exampleFilter(el) {
return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'a';

// usage
el = document.querySelector('div');
// get all siblings of el
var sibs = getSiblings(el);
// get only anchor element siblings of el
var sibs_a = getSiblings(el, exampleFilter);

There are faster DOM methods for only getting the previous or next sibling of an element:

var previous = el.previousSibling;
var next = el.nextSibling;

Get all following siblings of an element, optionally filtered:

// this helper accepts a filter function as shown above: "exampleFilter()"
function getNextSiblings(el, filter) {
var siblings = [];
while (el= el.nextSibling) { if (!filter || filter(el)) siblings.push(el); }
return siblings;

Get all preceding siblings of an element, optionally filtered:

// this helper accepts a filter function as shown above: "exampleFilter()"
function getPreviousSiblings(el, filter) {
var siblings = [];
while (el = el.previousSibling) { if (!filter || filter(el)) siblings.push(el); }
return siblings;

